
  • Sheikh, M. T., and Zhao, H. (2025). A Semicompeting Risks Model with an Application to UK Biobank Data to Identify Risk Factors for Diabetes Onset and Progression. Biometrics. To appear
  • Sheikh, M. T., Gelfond, J. A., and Chen, M. H. (2024). Bayesian Joint Model for Longitudinal Biomarker and Competing Risks of Prostate Cancer with Cure Fraction, Accounting for Masked Causes. Manuscript
  • Menger, A., Sheikh, M. T., and Chen, M. H. (2024). Bayesian Modeling of Survival Data in the Presence of Competing Risks with Cure Fractions and Masked Causes. Sankhya A
  • Sheikh, M. T., Chen, M. H., Gelfond, J. A., Sun, Wei, and Ibrahim, J. G. (2023). New Bayesian C-indices for Assessing Importance of Longitudinal Biomarkers in Fitting Competing Risks Survival Data in the Presence of Partially Masked Causes. Statistics in Medicine, 42 (9), 1308-1322. [Received the IBM Student Research Award at NESS 2021]
  • Sheikh, M. T., Chen, M. H., Gelfond, J. A., and Ibrahim, J. G. (2022). A Power Prior Approach for Leveraging External Longitudinal and Competing Risks Survival Data within the Joint Modeling Framework. Statistics in Biosciences, 14: 318-336.
  • Sheikh, M. T., Ibrahim, J. G., Gelfond, J. A., Sun, Wei and Chen, M. H. (2021). Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data in the Presence of Competing Risks with Applications to Prostate Cancer Data. Statistical Modelling, 21(1–2): 72–94.
  • Khan, J.R., Awan, N., Sheikh, M. T. (2019). A multilevel and spatial analysis of the infant and young child feeding practices and associated factors among the under-2 aged children in Bangladesh. Child Care in Practice.
  • Khan, J.R., Sheikh, M. T., and Muurlink, O. (2019). Breastfeeding termination and its determinants in Bangladesh: current status data modeling.  Early Child Development and Care, 190 (16): 1-16.
  • Khan, J. R., Biswas, R. K., Sheikh, M. T., and Huq, M. (2019). Factors associated with the availability of iodized salt at household level: A case study in Bangladesh. Public Health Nutrition, 22(10), 1815-1823. 
  • Sheikh, M. T., Uddin, M. N., and Khan, J. R. (2017). A comprehensive analysis of trends and determinants of HIV/AIDS knowledge among the Bangladeshi women based on Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys, 2007-2014. Archives of Public Health, 75:59.